Pret: Soup and Toastie Review

Thursday, 21 December 2017

On a particularly rainy Thursday last week, I decided to call my usual lunch spot on campus, Pret, to ask what soups they had. Naturally, as a social media addict, I took to twitter to share with my friend Stephie,  how I'd hit a new low in my life and hit the height of laziness by not walking the 5 minute walk to Pret to browse the soups they had to offer. To my surprise, Pret replied to us and corrected me, I'd hit a new high. The conversation continued, and resulted in Stephie suggesting that Pret need to have a grilled cheese sandwich as the perfect accompaniment to their already delicious soup. Pret then challenged us to try one of their existing toasties with the souper tomato soup. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.

Stephie and I chose to do it on the same day, but because uni is out for Christmas we unfortunately couldn't do the challenge together. But, nonetheless we tweeted our entire experience and yes, I did strap my food into my car with a seat belt. Precious cargo and all that jazz.


We both chose the Cheese, Mustard and Ham toastie, but admittedly, I took the ham out and Stephie kept the ham in.
My verdict: As a cheese toastie and tomato soup connoisseur, I'm quite tough to please. I removed the ham, because I couldn't bring myself to grace my tomato soup with ham and I was dubious about the mustard element being introduced, but I thought I'd give it a go. Let me say, right now, it is the BEST COMBO EVER. STAY THE SAME PRET. The tomato soup was absolutely divine (as it is usually) and the toastie was perfect- the right amount of cheese with a hint of mustard, just the way it should be. I will definitely be adding this combo to my regular lunch rota. Thank you so much Pret for giving us the funding for this experiment!

Stephie's verdict: I've been a Pret customer since the 1990;s (give tor take) so I feel like I'm pretty au fait with their menu (crayfish and rocket sandwiches HOLLA). It's rare to find a combo I haven;t tried. So you can imagine my joy when they opened a branch at the University I work at! Well, it was mostly joy, perhaps with a slight undertone of dismay, because I know myself, and let's just say, a jaunt across campus to Pret for lunch is definitely more of an everyday occurence now, and less of a treat. Anyway, I digress.

Tomato soup and a cheese toastie is like manna from the Gods. There is no denying it. It just goes. But add ham and mustard and you're properly levelling up. The tangy tomato cuts through the cheese and the saltiness of the ham really well. The mustard just adds a delicious warmth to the end of it. Pret food is consistently delicious, so you know that you'll be getting something good if you plump for this combo. Thanks to Pret for being on board with our lunch whims. Keep on keeping on! 

What's your favourite Pret combo? I'd love to hear from you!

XOXO Molly

Please note, the lovely people of Pret a Manger invited us to try out this delicious combo and provided us both a £10 gift card to cover the costs, but all views and opinions expressed are our own.

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